Springfield, Virginia
Finds: 119
Attempts: 14
Plants: 4
It is a gorgeous autumn morning. The air is smelling crisp, the leaves are starting to turn, but it is still warm enough to be pursuing outdoor activities. And I have FINALLY made it to this box. Hidden Pond nature center is so close by, I don't know why I haven't just stopped by there to get this box sooner. Actually I do know. Probably because I wasn't sure how deep into the woods it would be. The CYOA series by PaperTrail that used to be here took us deep, deep into the woods. Fortunately, this was very quick and easy.
This was actually a new experience for me. This box is a combination letterbox/geocache, so I was quite surprised by the size of the box that I found. I am used to smallish, tupperware-like containers. Instead,I found a big metal box (sort of like an old fashioned mailbox) and filled with stuff! I guess in geocaching, you take something from the box and leave something else in the box. Whatever. The boys would have loved it because it was filled with little toys. (If we ever do pursue geocaching a little more, at least I have an idea of what to do with all those McDonald's toys that accumulate at home.)
Very nice walk down a boardwalk that was an Eagle Scout project from someone in boy scout pack 1140. That's the brother boy scout pack to William's cub scout pack. I'll have to bring him back there to see it. I did get a little bit rushed at the end though when a children's group came traipsing down the trail with a naturalist. It was difficult to get the box hidden again because of the size. I was able to find extra sticks and barks to help conceal it a little bit better.