Yay! Our 100th letterbox. Three years into this hobby. That's averaging 33 boxes a year - not too shabby considering this is a part-time hobby for us.
Found at Lacey Woods Park in Arlington, VA. What a neat playground this place has! I drove by a couple of weeks ago, but thought that it would be better appreciated by one of the children. So today, after school pictures, I brought Benjamin - and he did not disappoint. A HUGE playground which climbed up very high off the ground. He was very cautious climbing up, but had no problems coming down the steep slide. I almost didn't get around in time to see him, and he was screaming and laughing all the way down. He played for 20 minutes easily on that thing. Checked out the sandbox, the swings and everything else there. Hard to believe my "baby" was not impressed with the "baby" playground.
We wandered around looking for the holly bush mentioned in the clue, but nothing really added up. Thought maybe the directions were not correct, and checked out a couple of possibilities, but nothing. Was pretty disappointed - after all, I was hoping to get to 100 today. We got back in the car and as we drove off, found the other entrance to the park. (In all fairness, where the playgound is, you do go in through a green gate, and there is a pavilion with picnic tables in it. I just thought maybe the sign was no longer there. It is an older box.)
We turned around and Benjamin being a good sport got out and looked with me again. Ah. Now I see what they meant by picnic pavilion. And there was the holly tree we were looking for. Very easy find.....once you're in the right place.
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